Convert Enum to Dictionary: Another Silly Method

So what if you want the names and values from an Enum, but wanted them in dictionary form. Well shoot, a little bit of linq and little bit of that and you got this:

public static IDictionary<String, Int32> ConvertEnumToDictionary<K>()
 if (typeof(K).BaseType != typeof(Enum))
   throw new InvalidCastException();

 return Enum.GetValues(typeof(K)).Cast<Int32>().ToDictionary(currentItem => Enum.GetName(typeof(K), currentItem));

As you might see, pretty simple.

Ok so ToDictionary is kind of odd looking maybe, but really isn’t that big of a deal. Basically it assumes the items in the list are the value, but you need to tell it what the key is. In this case, the int values for the enum are the value for the dictionary where the name that matches said int value will become the key for the dictionary.

So basically, get the values for the enum. Turn that into an IEnumerable list of Int32, create a Dictionary from that.


 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Linq;

You can do that in Javascript: Dynamically Create Divs

Creating divs on the fly and assigning methods:

As I have been working with Script Controls lately, I’ve been forces to learn more about javascript…. yeah I know, bleh. However, in my learnin’ I’ve actually been forced to like Javascript…. yeah I know, bleh.

Well one this I was doing was tranfering a front end control to a Script Control. Basically I am building an Auto Complete control that is using the Ajax.dll AjaxMethod stuff. Thus skipping the need for web services that the Ajax Control AutoComplete needs. Anyhow, the reason I am saying this is that it gets a list of Users and dynamically creates a list of divs that change color when hovered over and fill in a textbox when selected. Originally I was doing this by creating the html needed, then appending the innerHTML property on the container div.

function buildSelectableDiv(currentCount, innerText, textboxName, parentDiv)
   var defaultClass;
   var divChild;
   var divToAdd;
   var picker;

   //create the parent div
   divToAdd = document.createElement('div');
   //set the id of the div
   divToAdd.setAttribute('name', 'divNames' + currentCount);

   //Create child div
   divChild = document.createElement('div');
   //getting the child ready
   divChild.setAttribute('name', 'divNamesChild' + currentCount);

   //Add child to new parent

   return divToAdd;

And there you go. Creating a div and adding div to it.