Creating Script Controls And Love (ASP.Net ScriptControl)

[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four] [Part Five]

So this will be the first of a couple posts having to do with Script Controls, the Ajax Control Tool Kit AutoComplete control, and Javascript. Now to get started, what’s a script control?

I’m glad you asked. Basically have you ever created a user control that required Javascript to go along with it? What if the control was in another assembly? Oh woe is you. Well you could require the .js file to be placed in the web project and included on the page. Meh. OR you could use a script control YAY! How does that help? Well it allows you to “attach” a javascript file to a control in a class library, no includes needed. Not only that, but you can pass values from the control to the client and use them with Javascript. (This includes ids of controls in the control.)

So what’s needed? Well…
1. Create a class library, Call it Test and make the default Namespace Test.Examples

2. Create a folder to hold the class file and the JavaScript file. Let’s call it ScriptControlTemplate for now.

2. Create the control class file and the needed JavaScript file. Call them both ScriptControlExample. (For right now it will be easier if they have the same name but they don’t have to be.)

3. Right click the JavaScript Files -< Properties -< Build Action: Embedded Resource

4. Go to the Properties folder in the class Library and open the AssemblyInfo.cs. Add this line:

[assembly: WebResourceAttribute
    ("Test.ScriptControlTemplate.ScriptControlExample.js", "text/javascript")]

Now you might notice something, that almost looks like the actual folder location and it kind of is. In order for this line to work, it has to match the folder location like when Visual Studios creates a Namespace automatically. It uses the directory name as the final part of the namespace. Although to note, the Namespace of the class DOES NOT have to match this. It just has to reflect the directory structure of where the .js file is.

Ok so now we have a blank .cs file and a blank .js file. Woo hoo. Now what? Well first you need to have the class inherit from System.Web.UI.ScriptControl and override two protected methods

    public class ScriptControlExample : ScriptControl , INamingContainer
        protected override IEnumerable<ScriptDescriptor> GetScriptDescriptors()
            ScriptControlDescriptor desc =
                 new ScriptControlDescriptor("Test.Examples.Client.ScriptControlExample", ClientID);

        protected override IEnumerable<ScriptReference> GetScriptReferences()
          return new ScriptReference[] {
              new ScriptReference("Test.Examples.ScriptControlTemplate.ScriptControlExample.js", "Test.Examples") };


Ok so I cheated a little and put in two lines that you will need anyhow. I figured it would save some time, mainly mine. Cause let’s face it, I don’t really care about yours.

The first method GetScriptDescriptors is where we will be putting any values we want to send to the Client. The second just tells the system where the JavaScript file is to load. For now you won’t be doing anything with the second.

Ok now on to the Javascript file. Basically you have some cannon methods to add just to get the thing to work, and I’ll be honest: It’s extremely complicated and you probably won’t be smart enough to figure it out.

//Set the namespace
if (Type)

//Won't be doing much with this for the examples I have
Test.Examples.Client.ScriptControlExample = function(element)
    Test.Examples.Client.ScriptControlExample.initializeBase(this, [element]);

//This is where you basically define the class
Test.Examples.Client.ScriptControlExample.prototype =
    //Where you want to place constructor like code
    initialize: function()
        Test.Examples.Client.ScriptControlExample.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');

    //Remove events and such here
    dispose: function()
        Test.Examples.Client.ScriptControlExample.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose');

Phew that was complicated right?

Ok so now you have what you need to create a script control. Run it and well nothing will really happen except you shouldn’t get errors.

Now just create a new page in a web application (Or project if you’re a loser) and just do this realy quick:

<%@ Register Assembly="Test.Examples"
    Namespace="Test.Examples.ScriptControlTemplate" TagPrefix="test" %>

<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:ScriptManager ID="smMain" runat="server" />
        <test:ScriptControlExample ID="sceTest" runat="server" />

Run it and…..NOTHING! Surprise! Actually there is something, just nothing visual yet. Next post will get to that. Sucker.

One thing you can take away from this: A drinking game. Take a drink everytime you see the word ‘Ok’ in this post. I dare you.

Microsoft Charting Controls: Adding Charts Dynamically

So this is kind of repost as I had already posted this at StackOverflow but I thought it might have some merit here. Whatever. Charts are hot right now so I’m going to push the damned bandwagon. You don’t like it? Well then go do something to yourself that you would consider rude for me to suggest it. Anyways, this might have been overkill but hey, that’s me.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Bench benchList;
FoodIntake foodIntakeList;
Panel panelChartHolder;

panelChartHolder = new Panel();

benchList = Bench.GetAll();
AddNewCharts(benchList, panelChartHolder, GetBenchXValue, GetBenchYValue);

foodIntakeList = FoodIntake.GetAll();
AddNewCharts(foodIntakeList, panelChartHolder, GetFoodIntakeXValue, GetFoodIntakeYValue);

Ok so this first part is simple. Create a panel to hold the charts you are adding, get the lists you want represented by the charts and call the method to create the charts.

  private void AddNewCharts(T[] listToAdd, Panel panelToAddTo,
     Func<T, DateTime> xMethod, Func<T, Int32>)

    ChartArea mainArea;
    Chart mainChart;
    Series mainSeries;

    mainChart = new Chart();
    mainSeries = new Series("MainSeries");

    for (Int32 loopCounter = 0; loopCounter < listToAdd.Length; loopCounter++)

    mainArea = new ChartArea("MainArea");


As you can see, I just created a new chart, added a series to it, and added a ChartArea to it. Next part is pretty much just looping through the collection and adding each item in it to the list itself. It uses the passed in delegate methods (Func) to get the X and Y values.

Last part holds the four methods responsible for getting the X and Y values from the two lists. Basically I did this to allow the chart creating method to be a generic as possible. Might be overkill.

  private DateTime GetBenchXValue(Bench currentBench)
    return currentBench.DateLifted;

  private Int32 GetBenchYValue(Bench currentBench)
    return currentBench.BenchAmount;

  private DateTime GetFoodIntakeXValue(FoodIntake currentIntake)
    return currentIntake.DateEaten;

  private Int32 GetFoodIntakeYValue(FoodIntake currentIntake)
    return currentIntake.Calories;

And so when you run this, you will get two graphs side by side. Mind you, they will be very plain as there are million different properties that can be set to improve the look. I guess the main point of this was to show that it’s pretty easy to create graphs dynamically using any kind of object list. You know what? Screw you. This is my blog and I’ll post whatever I want to. If you don’t like that then you can just come back at a later time and read something else I post. Yeah so there.

  using System;
  using System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting;
  using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

Microsoft Charting Control: So easy an idiot can use it… And I have.

So just recently it was announced that there was a new charting control out for .Net/Visual Studios so I thought I would give it shot. How hard could it be? Well considering it took me 2? years to figure out my Playstation 3 had a wireless card, an uphill battle wasn’t out of the question.

So what the hell has to be done first? Well you need the 3.5 Framework (Sucks if you don’t have that) and service pack 1 (Which doesn’t suck as much but still annoying. I WANT EASY THINGS).
Have those? Great, way to be in the know. Now for the next step, more downloads. Here is the charting install and you need this too to see the actual tool in your toolbox. AMAZING. Now you just have to run the installs, which oddly enough are easy to do. First time for everything.

So now you have them installed right? Ok well do the normal project create/startup, add a new page, and view Design. Go to the old toolbox and look under the Data tab. (Don’t ask me why it’s there because I don’t know and will be compelled to cut you.) Now under the chance you don’t see it there you either didn’t install the second download or you have to add the namespace the control falls under. No problem. Just right click the Data tab and select “Choose Items”. Now in the.Net Framework Components tab look for the Namespace “System.Web.UI.DataVisiualization.Charting” and you should see the name Chart to the right of it. Select that item.

Ok, so now there should be a Chart control in your ToolBox in the Data Tab. You can now drag that thing over. Now in the markup you should see:

<asp:Chart ID=”Chart1″ runat=”server”>
<asp:Series Name=”Series1″></asp:Series>
<asp:ChartArea Name=”ChartArea1″></asp:ChartArea>

If that doesn’t excite you, then I don’t know what will. Anyhow, it’s actually very simple. Series is the line or whatever you are representing the data as and the chart area is what holds the series(s). Seems easy enough, but don’t worry, it gets easier. Now for this example I’m going to actually have two series and they are going to represent amount of weight Bench Pressed and the caloric intake for a given day. Best thing I could come up with right now since today was bench day.

<asp:Chart ID=”chartMain” runat=”server”>

<asp:Series Name=”seriesBenchAmount” />
<asp:Series Name=”seriesFoodIntake” />
<asp:ChartArea Name=”chartAreaMain” />

Yeah that’s pretty good. So now what I need is to throw some fake data at it, and to do that I created a Bench table and a FoodIntake table followed by using Linq To Sql to create the needed classes. When all was said and done I could easily do this:

  private const String CHART_AREA_MAIN = "chartAreaMain";
  private const String SERIES_BENCH_AMOUNT = "seriesBenchAmount";
  private const String SERIES_FOOD_INTAKE = "seriesFoodIntake";

  protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Bench[] benchList;
    Series currentSeries;
    FoodIntake[] foodIntakeList;

    benchList = Bench.GetAllBenches();
    currentSeries = chartMain.Series[SERIES_BENCH_AMOUNT];
    for (Int32 loopCounter = 0; loopCounter < benchList.Length; loopCounter++)

    foodIntakeList = FoodIntake.GetAll();
    currentSeries = chartMain.Series[SERIES_FOOD_INTAKE];
    for(Int32 loopCounter = 0; loopCounter < foodIntakeList.Length; loopCounter++)
          foodIntakeList[loopCounter].Calories / 10);

Now believe it or not, that’s all you have to do to get a graph. Pretty easy to say the least. Now the graph that you get will be default everything (And in this case it gives you a bar graph) but still at least that’s something to work with. (Note that I cheated with the food intake by dividing by 10. Unfortunately the graph would look odd with a day of 3500 calories and a 325 bench.)

Now maybe you want this to be a line graph… Whatever can we do?

protected override void CreateChildControls()
    Series currentSeries;
    ChartArea currentArea; 

    currentSeries = chartMain.Series[SERIES_BENCH_AMOUNT];
    currentSeries.XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;
    currentSeries.YValueType = ChartValueType.Int32;
    currentSeries.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
    currentSeries.BorderWidth = 3; currentSeries.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Square;

    currentSeries = chartMain.Series[SERIES_FOOD_INTAKE];
    currentSeries.XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;
    currentSeries.YValueType = ChartValueType.Int32;
    currentSeries.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
    currentSeries.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Circle;
    currentSeries.MarkerColor = Color.Red;
    currentSeries.BorderWidth = 3;

    currentArea = chartMain.ChartAreas[CHART_AREA_MAIN];
    currentArea.Area3DStyle.Enable3D = false;

So what’s all this? Well this:


So pretty, yah? So what does it all mean?

    currentSeries.XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;
    currentSeries.YValueType = ChartValueType.Int32;

Well this is pretty simple, this merely sets the types for the X and Y axis. I told you it was simple.

    currentSeries.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;

If you can’t figure that one out, try another profession like engineering.

    currentSeries.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Circle;
    currentSeries.MarkerColor = Color.Red;

Ok these three things are used to control how the points on the lines (Markers) actually look. Pretty self explanatory once the word “marker” is translated.

    currentSeries.BorderWidth = 3;

This is the thickness of the line itself.

    currentArea.Area3DStyle.Enable3D = false;

If you guessed this was a way to make the grid 3d, you were right on and probably able remind yourself to breathe at a maximum 3 times a day.

So now you are thinking you have this down to an expert level and I say,”sure why not?” ‘cept with a little work on the mark up I could make it look like this:


And just like Beloch said in Raiders of the Lost Arc before his face exploded, “It’s Bewtifewl!”

Now for the Usings!!11

    using System;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting;

And the final markup:

<asp:Chart ID=”chartMain” runat=”server” Palette=”EarthTones” BackColor=”Azure” ImageType=”Jpeg” ImageLocation=”~/ChartImages/ChartPic_#SEQ(300,3)” Width=”412px” Height=”296px” BorderDashStyle=”Solid” BackGradientStyle=”TopBottom” BorderWidth=”2″ BorderColor=”181, 64, 1″>
<asp:Series Name=”seriesBenchAmount” MarkerSize=”3″ BorderWidth=”3″ ShadowColor=”Black” BorderColor=”180, 26, 59, 105″ Color=”220, 65, 140, 240″ ShadowOffset=”2″ />
<asp:Series Name=”seriesFoodIntake” MarkerSize=”3″ BorderWidth=”3″ ShadowColor=”Black” BorderColor=”180, 26, 59, 105″ Color=”220, 224, 64, 10″ ShadowOffset=”2″ />

<asp:ChartArea Name=”chartAreaMain” BorderColor=”64, 64, 64, 64″ BorderDashStyle=”Solid” BackSecondaryColor=”White” BackColor=”OldLace” ShadowColor=”Transparent” BackGradientStyle=”TopBottom”>
<area3dstyle Rotation=”25″ Perspective=”9″ LightStyle=”Realistic” Inclination=”40″ IsRightAngleAxes=”False” WallWidth=”3″ IsClustered=”False” />
<axisy LineColor=”64, 64, 64, 64″>
<LabelStyle Font=”Trebuchet MS, 8.25pt, style=Bold” />
<MajorGrid LineColor=”64, 64, 64, 64″ />
<axisx LineColor=”64, 64, 64, 64″>
<LabelStyle Font=”Trebuchet MS, 8.25pt, style=Bold” />
<MajorGrid LineColor=”64, 64, 64, 64″ />

By Reference in C# and How to Get Schooled By It

WARNING: If you understand The concept of By Reference, skip the first part of this post:

So you have an object, huh? Ok well what does that mean? Basically there is a stack and a heap. When you declare an object, space is made on the stack, basically it’s a placeholder saying that there will be something to point.

    User someUser;

Now when you instatiate:

    someUser = new User();

That user Object is put on the heap and that placeholder (reference) on the stack? Well it’s given a pointer which SURPRISE points to the object on the heap. Now when you pass the object into the method, you aren’t really passing what’s on the heap. You are actually copying and passing the pointer. Inside the method, a new entry is thrown on the stack that points to the same object on the heap. This way if you change anything on the object in the method, the changes are reflected outside the method. (Say if you added items to a list in the method) Now this all changes if the object inside the method is reinitialized or repointed:

    SomeMethod(User user)
        user = new User();
        user.UserName = "Sean";

Remember that user we passed in? It now has nothing to do with the one in the method now. There is now a new object on the heap and “user” in the method now points to it. Why did I tell you all of this?


Say you have this:


    UserList userList = new UserList();
    SomeList list = new SomeList();
    FillListFromUserList(list, userList);


    void FillListFromUser(SomeList listToCopyTo, UserList userList)
       foreach(User currentUser in userList)

Easy, and basically at this point list should have the same items as userList. Now say list needs what’s in userList but in order by UserID. Suppose you did it like this:

    void FillListFromUser(SomeList listToCopyTo, UserList userList)
       foreach(User currentUser in userList)

       var sorted = from user in userList
                    orderby user.UserID
                    select user;

       listToCopy = sorted.ToList();

Ok so a quick check to see if list now contains items will show it does. Now say you looked at this method and thought it was a little more than needed. You decide to do this:

    void FillListFromUser(SomeList listToCopyTo, UserList userList)
        listToCopyTo = userList.OrderBy(user => user.ID);

Now a quick check to see if list has something in it shows that it doesn’t. But wait, what the hell? The first one worked and the second is just short hand right? Eh well the problem is how objects are passed. By reference means that it doesn’t pass the original pointer from the stack but it copies it so that there are two references on the stack that point to the same object on the heap. What does this all mean? Well both

    listToCopy = sorted.ToList();
    listToCopyTo = userList.OrderBy(user => user.ID);

Have now reset the pointer for the reference in the method (listToCopyTo) making it no longer have anything to do with the list outside of it (list). The reason why it gave a false positive on the first one was that I had added to the list within, and therefor to the object the list outside points to. So the changing of the pointer:

    listToCopy = sorted.ToList();

would no longer affect the list oustide. However, in the second example I never added to the object they both pointed to before I changed the pointer on the inner. Hense why the second example had nothing in the outer list. To make matters worse I would have noticed this before if the original userList hadn’t been sorted by ID already.

C#, Var, and Objec- Propert- I have no idea what the term is

So I caugh this the other day and I’m not really sure it’s useful but it got me thinking…

Say you have a string and you want to create what ReSharper calls a “implicitly typed local variable declaration”, or as most people know it as “var”, and intialize it with a created value:

  String someThing = "hi";
  var onTheFly = new { someThing };

And now you can do this:

  String somethingElse = ontTheFly.something;

What it basically did was not only take the value of the string, but the name too and made a property on the var. In fact you may have seen this already with Linq:

    var hi = from item in test
               select new {item.UserRole};

    UserRole someRole = hi.ToList()[0].UserRole;

So what does this all mean? Right now, I’m not really sure. I suppose if you have a method that you want to combine a bunch of value/objects into one var so you don’t have to keep refering to 8 different objects that might work:

    //Get the user
    User user = new User (1);
    //Get some icecream... couldn't think of any better fake class name
    IceCream iceCream = new IceCream(1);

    var stuff = new { user.UserName, user.UserRoles, user.UserLastName,
                             iceCream.Flavor, iceCream.Texture };

    if(stuff.UserName.Equals("Sean", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
       && stuff.Flavor == IceCreamFlavor.Chocolate)

As you can see, it could be a way to group together a bunch of things in a method, but I’m not sure that is really useful.


Now for the theory… As is, this isn’t useful but with 4.0 that might change with Duck Typing and dynamic types. Why? Well take a method like this:

    CallMe(userName, userFirstName, userLastName, userAddress,
             thisIsStupid, makeItEnd, iNeedAnAdult... endMe);

Now that’s a lot of parameters. Conventional wisdom says I should create a new class whose properties match the parameters I would be sending in and just send in that class:

    parameterClass.UserName = userName;
    parameterClass.UserFirstName = firstName;

Now the only annoying thing is having to make the class to do this. What if dynamic types + duck typing takes that step away?

    var parameter = new { userName, userFirstName, userLastName .... };

Then CallMe would take in a dynamic type and just look to see if it has the needed properties. Would be nice if this is possible but I haven’t used 4.0 yet to know, I’m only guessing from what I’ve read.

Duck Typing my way to a Universal String Convert

So being the beacon of ignorance in the fog of brilliance, I had no idea what Duck Typing was. In short it’s the idea of assuming a class’s type based on the methods it holds.

Say you have 5 different classes, none of which share an inheritance tree. Now let’s say you have a method that takes in any object and uses the SeanIsAwsome method on the object. You could make sure that every object sent in has that method by using an interface that all the objects sent in share.

    public void SomeMethod(ISeanRules inParameter)

What if you want to send in a bunch of objects that don’t share the same interface/base class? Well you base it on what methods the class holds. If the class has the SeanIsAwsome method, then you call it. If not, well you could throw an exception, do nothing, go jogging, eat bacon, ect. That part is up to you.

The problem was that I wanted to create a universal convert that would take in a string and convert it to the 8 billion (ballpark figure) value types in C#. Now what I wanted to do is use the famous TryParse method so my first hope was that TryParse was a method on an interface they all shared. Yeah no. So next thought was to use the Duck Typing principle and say, “Hey jackass, you have a TryParse method? Yeah? Good. Use it.” ‘Course I had to find a way to do that. Turns out it wasn’t too bad.

public static class ConvertFromString
  public static T? ConvertTo<T>(this String numberToConvert) where T : struct
    T? returnValue = null;

    MethodInfo neededInfo = GetCorrectMethodInfo(typeof(T));
    if (neededInfo != null && !numberToConvert.IsNullOrEmpty())
      T output = default(T);
      object[] paramsArray = new object[2] { numberToConvert, output };
      returnValue = new T();

      object returnedValue = neededInfo.Invoke(returnValue.Value, paramsArray);

      if (returnedValue is Boolean && (Boolean)returnedValue)
        returnValue = (T)paramsArray[1];
        returnValue = null;

    return returnValue;

A whaaaa?

Ok this might look odd, but it’s really simple. If it doesn’t look odd then chances are you’re smarter than me and you shouldn’t be here anyhow. First part is simple:

  public static T? ConvertTo<T>(this String numberToConvert) where T : struct

Due to this being a extension method (Opps forgot to tell you that part) I have to declare this static method in a static class. Basically I am taking in a string and returning a nullable version of whatever type I specific in the call.

    T? returnValue = null;

    MethodInfo neededInfo = GetCorrectMethodInfo(typeof(T));

Remember that MethodInfo method I had explained in the last post? The next part you might remember too, but I’m not betting on it.

    if (neededInfo != null && !numberToConvert.IsNullOrEmpty())
      T output = default(T);
      object[] paramsArray = new object[2] { numberToConvert, output };
      returnValue = new T();

      object returnedValue = neededInfo.Invoke(returnValue.Value, paramsArray);

Ok so I have the method info, now I have to create the list of parameters to send in with the invoke. Pretty straight forward. If things went well, returnedValue should be a boolean. However, just incase:

    if (returnedValue is Boolean && (Boolean)returnedValue)
      returnValue = (T)paramsArray[1];
      returnValue = null;

So if the returnValue is true and boolean, then the tryParse was successful. With that in mind, I still have to get the converted value. If it had not been successful than I am just going to return null since this is just meant for converting and not for whether or not it could be. It is just assumed that if it’s null, then it could not be converted at this time.

And now for the use:

  decimal? converted = someString.ConvertTo<decimal>()

An boom, you have a universal convert. YAY!

  using System;
  using System.Reflection;

Return Out Variables Using GetMethod

So I ran into a problem today. I wanted to call a method (TryParse) off a type using relfection, but the catch is that there is an out parameter. At first I though, “Hey, I just give it the type and it will find it. Not so lucky. See when you call GetMethod you have to supply a list of parameters. why? because if you don’t, the name alone could return any number of methods named the same thing. By using a parameter list, it in essence narrows it down to one. Say you look at decimal.TryParse which expects a string and an out parameter of type decimal. Would think it is:

  Type[] paramTypes = new Type[2] { typeof(string), typeof(decimal) };
  returnValue = typeToCheck.GetMethod("TryParse", paramTypes);

No dice. Looks ok until you actually look at the type of the second parameter. It’s actually “decimal&”, meaning there is a reference attached to it. This makes sense since Out will switch the pointer of the old parameter sent in to whatever you create in the method. Problem is when you trying to find the method you are looking for “decimal” != “decimal&”. Now this looks like a big problem, but it’s actually easy to solve.

  Type[] paramTypes = new Type[2] { typeof(string), typeof(decimal).MakeByRefType() };

See the difference? Turns out Microsoft already thought this one through. The MakeByRefType method allows you to simulate an out parameter. Here’s the method in full to get the MethodInfo:

  private static MethodInfo GetCorrectMethodInfo(Type typeToCheck)
    //This line may not mean much but with reflection, it's usually a good idea to store
    //things like method info or property info in a cache somewhere so that you don't have
    //have to use reflection every time to get what you need.  That's what this is doing.
    //Basically I am using the passed in type name as the key and the value is the methodInfo
    //for that type.
    MethodInfo returnValue = someCache.Get(typeToCheck.FullName);

    //Ok, now for the reflection part.
    if(returnValue == null)
      Type[] paramTypes = new Type[2] { typeof(string), typeToCheck.MakeByRefType() };
      returnValue = typeToCheck.GetMethod("TryParse", paramTypes);
      if (returnValue != null)
        someCache.Add(typeToCheck.FullName, returnValue);

    return returnValue;

Now we’re not done yet, are we? No. That just gets the methodInfo needed. Now how do I call it and get a value back? Well that’s pretty easy too:

  MethodInfo neededInfo = GetCorrectMethodInfo(typeof(decimal));
  decimal output = new decimal();
  object[] paramsArray = new object[2] { numberToConvert, output };
  object returnedValue = neededInfo.Invoke(returnValue.Value, paramsArray);

  if (returnedValue is bool && (bool)returnedValue)
      returnValue = (decimal)paramsArray[1];
    returnValue = null;

So first part is actually calling the method we now have:

  MethodInfo neededInfo = GetCorrectMethodInfo(typeof(decimal));
  decimal output = new decimal();
  object[] paramsArray = new object[2] { numberToConvert, output };
  object returnedValue = neededInfo.Invoke(returnValue, paramsArray);

So basically you take the variables, put them into an array, and then pass that array trough the invoke method. Nice thing is when the two variables are sent into the method, you don’t have to flag output as an Out parameter.


  if (returnedValue is bool && (bool)returnedValue)
      returnValue = (decimal)paramsArray[1];
    returnValue = null;

You would think that the “output” variable you sent through .Invoke would hold the needed value. Too bad. You actually have to look at the object array passed in to get the value of the Out parameter. Kind of annoying, but deal with it.

And there you have it, how to not only find a methodInfo with an out parameter, but how to get the value back too. YAY

  using System;
  using System.Reflection;

My next post will show why I had to figure this out and I promise it will be worth it.

Linq Extension Methods Versus Linq Query Language… DEATHMATCH

Today I was writing out an example of why the extension methods are for the most part better to use than the querying language. Go figure I would find a case where that’s not entirely true. Say you are using these three funcs:

    Func<User, String> userName = user => user.UserName;
    Func<User, Boolean> userIDOverTen = user => user.UserID < 10;
    Func<User, Boolean> userIDUnderTen = user => user.UserID > 10;

As you can see the first one replaces the lamdba expression to get the user name, the second replaces a lamdba expression used to check if the ID is lower than 10, and let’s face it, the third should be pretty easy to understand now.

NOTE: This is a silly example but it works.

    var userList =
      from user in userList
      where userIDOverTen(user)
      select userName;

    var otherList =

In this example, the second is a little less verbose since the extension method can make full use of the Func, but he Linq expression can’t since it is look just for a Boolean rather than a Func that returns boolean. However, this is where it might be better to use the expression language. Say you already had a method that takes in more than just a user:

    private Boolean IDIsBelowNumber(User user, Int32 someNumber, Boolean doSomething)
      return user.UserID < someNumber;

Note: doSomething is just there because of the where extension method being ok with a method that takes in a user and integer and returns boolean. Kind of annoying for this example.

Now if you look at the Linq query:

    var completeList =
      from user in userList
      where userIDOverTen(user, 10)
      select userName;

You’re good for it. Now the Extension Method:

    var otherList =

Without a lambda expression, I really can’t call that method. So now what I have to do is create a method that creates a Func based off the original method call.

    private Func<User, Boolean> IDIsBelowNumberFunc(Int32 number)
      return user => IDIsBelowNumber(user, number, true);

And then plug it in:

    var otherList =

What does this all mean? You just lost 5 minutes of your life. I hope it was worth it.

Change Target Framework on a Class Library (Visual Studios 2008)

Ok so this is a quick one but annoys the hell of of me.

Basically I am working with a 2.0 class library project and I wanted to use Linq. Now you would think when you “upgrade” the project to 3.5 using the wizard, the target framework would follow. Well, you are stupid. Now for web projects it seems you can look at the properties -> build and boom you can see it bright as day. Try doing this with a class library you and got nothin’.

Here’s the solution:

Goto the project properties -> compile -> Advanced Compile Options AND YOU WILL BE VICTORY!!11

So easy even a child could do it… after an hour of searching on google…

Cannot Resolve Method, Can’t Infer Return Type, and Funcs

So ran into this today and the answer was actually a lot easier to understand than I thought it would be.

Say you want to order a list of objects by a number. Seems simple. Now if you have been paying attention you would know I like using Funcs.

  Func<SomeClass, Int32> orderByNumber =
    currentClass =>  currentClass.SomeNumber;

  anotherCollection = someCollection.OrderBy(orderByNumber);

Seems simple, but what if you wanted to use a method already defined in the class?

  private Int32 ReturnNumber(SomeClass currentClass)
    return currentClass.SomeNumber;

It seems like this could be the way to go, right?


Compile and BOOOOOOM you get an error. It says it can’t infer the return type of the method. Wait what? It’s pretty obvious right, it’s an integer. It had no problem inferring from the Func and you have to figure that the method itself is “typed” also. Well here’s the problem (And you’re dumb for not knowing this, but I’m not because I’m immune to dumb), ReturnNumber isn’t a method, it’s part of a method group. You can have a million (well maybe not that many) methods named ReturnNumber, all with different parameters. Why is this a problem? Well let’s use lambda expressions:

  someCollection.OrderBy(currentClass =>  currentClass.SomeNumber);

At this point it knows two things: currentClass is a SomeClass and there is a Method that takes in a SomeClass and returns something. So with that in mind, it looks for such a method and finds the return type. This is no different with the Func since the Func is basically unique due to it being a named field. After all you can’t have two fields named orderByNumber, but you can have many methods named ReturnNumber. That is where the problem is. When you use the second example:


It can infer the SomeClass from the list and it sees the method. For there it has to find the method’s return type. Wait, which method? If i Have 10 overloads, each with different return types, how does it know what type to use? Well the answers is, it doesn’t. So basically you’re screwed. Sucks, huh?

Side note: This works

  Func<SomeClass, Int32> orderByNumber = ReturnNumber;