Quick Link – VS 2010 Dark Styling

So after a long day of working outside, I came in to code… Only to be greeted by a large white screen…

OH EM GEE… My eyes were killing me… And I thought… I AM GOING BLIND…

Then I thought, oh crap, maybe Sean was onto something…

So I went Googling around and found the Son of Obsidian and all I can say so far is, damn, my eyes don’t hurt and Sean was right… but we don’t need to tell him that.

Check out this link (http://studiostyl.es/schemes/son-of-obsidian-with-resharper) for a dark theme that works with Resharper AND Razor (and XAML can come too).


Add Nunit Reference through NUGet/ Visual Studios 2010

From the “Just putting this here for me” update desk: NUget

What’s NUGet? It’s a way to help with adding things from templates to Add Ons. In fact, it can even be used to add references to your project like NUnit without having download NUnit by yourself. Basically it’s another way to enhance laziness. I like this.

The page for NUGet is here and you can download it from here.

After that restart Visual Studios (At least I had to) then:

From there:

Now there should be a button in that image but I had already added the NUnit reference. Real easy stuff.

Apparently there’s lot of stuff like add ons and templates… I think I already wrote that but I’m too tired and lazy to bother checking. Anywho a developer should be like candy in a kids store.

Random Add-On – Automapper

So if you’ve bothered reading my posts in the past, and don’t worry cause I haven’t, you might have seen me express my rule about not wanting to use third party stuff. Well things change. Actually they don’t, as I’m not bending the rule because I’m becoming a better person, just more lazy. This is where Automapper comes in.

Automapper is pretty much what it sounds like, it maps class properties automatically. Maybe a more clevererest name would have been ClassPropertyAutoMapper, but the guys who made it shouldn’t be persecuted for lacking creativity.

How simple is Automapper? Simple enough that even you can use it. Now that’s simple! Say you have two classes, a entity class and a model, and you want to map the model to the entity in the constructor. You could do:

  public class SomeModel
    public SomeModel(SomeEntity someEntity)
     SomeProperty = someEntity.SomeProperty;

But where’s the lazyiness? I expect so much less from you. But it’s ok, salvation is right here:

  public SomeModel(SomeEntity someEntity)
    Mapper.Map(someEntity, this);

But… but what if there are properties on SomeModel that don’t directly map by name? Well, there’s an ap…i for that. (Not sure that even makes sense but it was clever.)

  public SomeModel(SomeEntity someEntity)
    Mapper.CreateMap<FiftyPostUser, UserInfoViewModel>()
     .ForMember(test => test.Status, tester => tester.MapFrom(item => item.Status.ToString()));
    Mapper.Map(someEntity, this);

So I know you’re thinking that there’s a catch, well there is. You have to actually get the dll and reference in your project. I know! Work is hard. Why can’t these guys just come to your place of work/home/mom’s basement and do it for you? What kind of world is it when you can’t get all that for free? Personally, I hate it.