Ajax Control Library: Autocomplete Control to Scriptcontrol

[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four] [Part Five]

Ok so in part four I showed you how to create a webcontrol from the AutoComplete control, so now it’s time to take the first four lessons and combine them. Now it’s time to have an autocomplete script control. The first part is really simple, just like before you have to:

  • Inherit from ScriptControl
  • Override the GetScriptDescriptors and GetScriptReferences methods
  • Create the .js file
  • Make the .js file an embedded resource
  • Update the assemblyinfo file in the Properties folder
  • Add the minimal needed javascript

So it will look something like this:

public class AutocompleteScriptControl : ScriptControl, INamingContainer
  private AutoCompleteExtender autoComplete;
  private TextBox textboxTarget;

  protected override void CreateChildControls()

    autoComplete = new AutoCompleteExtender();
    autoComplete.ID = "autoCompleteMain";

    textboxTarget = new TextBox();
    textboxTarget.ID = "textboxTarget";


  protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
    autoComplete.TargetControlID = textboxTarget.ID;

  protected override IEnumerable<ScriptDescriptor> GetScriptDescriptors()
    ScriptControlDescriptor desc =
      new ScriptControlDescriptor("Test.Examples.Client.AutocompleteScriptControl", ClientID);
    desc.AddProperty("textboxTargetID", textboxTarget.ClientID);
    desc.AddProperty("autocompleteID", autoComplete.ClientID);

    return new ScriptDescriptor[] { desc };

  protected override IEnumerable<ScriptDescriptor> GetScriptReferences()
    return new [] { new ScriptReference
      ("Test.Examples.AutoCompleteExample.AutocompleteScriptControl.js", "Test.Examples") };


And the script file:

if (Type)

Test.Examples.Client.AutocompleteScriptControl = function(element)
    Test.Examples.Client.AutocompleteScriptControl.initializeBase(this, [element]);

    this._autocompleteID = "";
    this._textboxTargetID = "";

    this._autoComplete = null;
    this._textboxTarget = null;

Test.Examples.Client.AutocompleteScriptControl.prototype =
    get_autocompleteID: function()
        return this._autocompleteID;

    set_autocompleteID: function(value)
        this._autocompleteID = value;

    get_textboxTargetID: function()
        return this._textboxTargetID;

    set_textboxTargetID: function(value)
        this._textboxTargetID = value;

    initialize: function()
        this._autoComplete = $get(this._autocompleteID);
        this._textboxTarget = $get(this._textboxTargetID);

        Test.Examples.Client.AutocompleteScriptControl.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');

    dispose: function()
        Test.Examples.Client.AutocompleteScriptControl.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose');


    ('Test.Examples.Client.AutocompleteScriptControl', Sys.UI.Control);

And now this is the bare minimum needed to get this done.