jQuery: Add a Pop Up Div to a Link Dynamically

So as an exercise to learn more about jQuery, I decided to redo this little gem using jQuery. Have to say though only technically XHTML compliant, it worked out much better and with less code. So the idea is to have something really easy for non programmers (You know, lesser people) to be able to have a pop up comment added to some chunk of text on a web site. What I came up with before was ok but kind of annoying since it looked like this:

<a onclick="return ShowCommentForPost('1', this, 'THIS IS SO STUPID!');" href="www.byatool.com">word.</a>

Kind of annoying since I would have to explain that ‘1’ is the name and it has to be unique for every one of these, this isn’t really understood by those people, and well it just seems more complicated then it needs to be. So what if I told you it could look like this?

<a href="http://www.byatool.com" class="showItLink" xmlns:comment="hihihi">HI</a>

Gorsh, that seems even better and it works in both IE and Firefox… which might be a first for this site and anything javascript. First let’s get the css out of the way, shall we?



Most of the is just for looks, but like the older example I’ve called upon the power of position:absolute and z-index well that’s just pulling it in front of everything else.

Next part will be the actual code, and if you take the method from THE POSITION ABSOLUTE POST

    function SetTopAndLeft(parentContainer, elementToSet)
        var containerPosition;

        containerPosition = $(parentContainer).position();
        $(elementToSet).css({ top: containerPosition.top + 10, left: containerPosition.left + 10 });

and add in a simple span creation method:

    function CreateDiv(innerText, cssClass)
        var spanToAdd;

        spanToAdd = document.createElement('span');
        spanToAdd.className = cssClass;
        spanToAdd.innerHTML = innerText;

        return spanToAdd;

you’re ready for the actual fun part… making sure something pops up when the link is clicked.

jQuery(document).ready  //Everything inside this will load as soon as the DOM is loaded and before the page contents are loaded.*
    function()  //this is the start of an anonymous method
        jQuery(".showItLink").click //find all things with the .showItLink class and assign the click event to the next anonymous method
            function(event) //this is the start of an anonymous method for the click event
                var containerPosition;
                var createdSpan;
                var comment;

                comment = jQuery(this).attr("xmlns:comment");  //Get the value from the comment attribute on the link.
                createdSpan = jQuery(this).children(".postComment"); //Find a possible span already attached to the link if it exists.  The span is of class 'postComment'

                if (createdSpan.length == 0)  //span doesn't exist
                    createdSpan= CreateDiv(comment, "postComment");  //create the span
                    jQuery(this).append(createdSpan);  //Add the span to the link
                    jQuery(this).children(".postComment").hide();  //Make sure the new span is hidden
                SetTopAndLeft(this, createdSpan);  //Set the position of the span
                jQuery(createdDiv).toggle();  //This will hide if it's showing, show if it's hidden... kind of nice huh?

                event.preventDefault();  //Equivalent to false.  Need this for Firefox.

And boom you have something that works. Hooray.

Couple things of note:

.Hide – At first I though this would screw up my class for the span by removing the current class and adding display:none. Turns out it doesn’t harm the original class. Kind of nice.

.Toggle() – This is really nice. It will hide if it is showing and show if hidden. Stupid easy to use and is pretty effective. Just like .Hide, the class of the element is not harmed.

$ versus jQuery – Some people might notice that I am not using the short hand $ for my jQuery calls. Turns out that it might be safer this way. There are other javascript libraries that use the $ short hand like prototype. I ran into this with WordPress since it uses both jQuery and Prototype and blocks jQuery from using $ since it could conflict with other libraries. Weeeee!

JQuery, Position : Absolute, and How to Make It All Work

This is a really quick one but when I was taking my cheesy pop up and reworking it using JQuery (After Andre the Annoying wouldn’t shut up about it), I ran into a fun problem: position:absolute wasn’t working like it should. You know “absolute is positioned at the specified coordinates relative to its containing block.”. Meaning it should at worst show up within it’s container, where ever that is. Now IE is fine with that and the thing was showing up well:


Firefox? Not so much:


Well… turns out JQuery pretty much does it for me. With a simple method, you can set one element’s position relative to a parent’s position:

    function SetTopAndLeft(parentContainer, elementToSet)
        var containerPosition;

        containerPosition = $(parentContainer).position();
        $(elementToSet).css({ top: containerPosition.top + 10, left: containerPosition.left + 10 });

Really simple, you get the position of the parent container and you set the child element’s top and left to it. Or in this case, I have it just off since hiding the parent container could be problematic. (Say if the parent container is a link AND NOW YOU CAN’T FIND IT TO CLICK ON IT AND THINGS HAPPEN BAD THINGS AND THE WORLD EXPLODES BECAUSE OF YOU!)

And boom, you can for once be a winner just like me.

Add a Pop Up Div to a Link Dynamically

Sometimes in life you have to ask “should I do this”, this is not one of those times. The idea is simple, click on a link and a div appears over the link with some kind of message in it. Kind of like being able to add a pop up note to a word. If you are absolutely amazed by that, don’t be afraid. Most likely you’ll die soon from forgetting to breathe. However, if you are just slightly curious as to why and how, keep reading.

So why did I do this? Well it started with the idea of having something simple for a blog that has multiple authors: What if other authors could add notes to someone’s post in the post. Well the idea of using some kind of text change (Like italics) sounded lame. I wanted something easy that could be replicated quickly and wouldn’t be visible unless needed. Thus the onClick idea. Now the next problem I had was the class needed for the style sheet. As you can see, when the div is shown, it doesn’t displace any of the items on the page. This is because I am using position:absolute and a high z-index. This allows for the div to lay on top of other things and not touch them. Problem with absolute is that it basicaly plants the div in relation to it’s parent container. Now that whole parent container thing seems to be up for interpretation when you are talking about browsers. Each seems to deal with it the way it sees fit.

Originally I had it as a div that would contain this new div. This was a pain in the -ss. In IE it showed up over the div, FireFox not so much. So the next thought was to create a div to hold the div that held the div. Something that isn’t exactly “user friendly” to be sure. Then it hit me, maybe I could put this in a link. After all, people who are viewing the blog would understand it’s something they can click on (Provided I don’t screw with the link styles too much) and it’s easy for non coders to copy and paste.

So on to the promised land. First I’ll just get the CSS out of the way since it’s absolutely needed but needs little explanation:

    position: absolute;



As you can see, I’ve screwed with the z-index, visibility, and position. Position I’ve already explained, and I think you can understand why visibility is hidden with this class. However, z-index might not be something you know about. Basically,z-index tells the browser where an item is in a vertical sense. When you look at a browser, there are actually a lot of layers regardless of the 2nd appearance. The z-index is used to bring something forward or backward. If I want the div to be behind say the text I am typing right now, it has to be at a z-index lower than the text. I used -100 in the example just to make sure it’s behind anything. It’s really an arbitrary number though. A positive number would make the div appear in front of the text (And in that case the text would not show up since it would be “behind” the div) which is what I did with the visibility class.


Mostly just a bunch of visual changes like border and background color. However, you will also notice the the position is still absolute and that the z-index is now 10. (positive) The div will now effectively be “in front” of the link when it shows up giving it the pop up look. One Note: I had to add in text-decoration:none since the div is attached to the link and IE wants to drag the underline with the pop up causing the text to up with an underline. Kind of odd but no big deal.

Now for the code:

function BuildSelectableSpanForPost(spanName, parentElement, innerText)
    var divToAdd;
    var parentContainer;
    //check to see if the parentElement is actually an element or string.  If string, use it
    //to find the element.
    if (typeof parentElement == 'string')
        parentContainer = document.getElementById(parentElement);
        parentContainer = parentElement;
    //Create the div
    //set the name (The name must unique since there could be a million "pop ups" per page
    //set the id
    //set the text for the div which is what we want to show up in the pop up
    divToAdd = document.createElement('span');
    divToAdd.setAttribute('name', spanName);
    divToAdd.id = spanName;
    divToAdd.innerHTML = innerText;

    //Add the div to whatever element that was found.  For this post it will be a link
    //but it doesn't really matter.

    return divToAdd;

So there is the building of the pop up div. Here’s the method to be called by the onclick event:

function ShowCommentForPost(postName, parentElement, innerText)
    var divName;
    var createdDiv;
    var parentContainer;

    //Same as before
    if (typeof parentElement == 'string')
        parentContainer = document.getElementById(parentElement);
        parentContainer = parentElement;
    //See if the pop up div  already exists.  If it does, then don't create again
    //I didn't have this before and it would create a new div everytime
    //That's what some might call a surprise feature
    divName = 'comment' + postName;
    createdDiv = document.getElementById(divName);
    //Ooops, the div didn't exist, create it and add the hide class
    if (createdDiv == null)
        createdDiv = BuildSelectableSpanForPost(divName, parentContainer, innerText);
        //this is a method found on this post
        ClassHandler.AddClass(createdDiv, 'hidePostComment');

    //this is a method based off this post
    //As you can guess it will show or hide depending on which class it already has.

    return false;

To start, there is the code to create the actual div.

Now for the actual use:

<a onclick="return ShowCommentForPost('1', this, 'THIS IS SO STUPID!');" href="www.byatool.com">word.</a>

Pretty easy to actually use right? The actual location doesn’t really matter since it the method will always return false and therefore the link will never redirect. Also, you’ll see that I put 1 as the name sent in. The name sent in doesn’t matter what it is, but for every link it has to be different. If you are using this in a blog situation where there could be multiple blog posts in one page, I would suggest the name sent in would be the title and an increasing number.

If you got to this point and feel robbed of five minutes in your life, well just be happy this post robbed me of 15 minutes of mine.

Add, Remove, or Replace a CSS Class Using Javascript

Now honestly, I think the all famous Prototype has something for this, but if you aren’t using the all famous Prototype… well you’re screwed. Until now.

This is the idea, you want show or hide something on a click of it.

    <div onclick="HideOrShowMe();">

Annoying thing is trying to keep up with whether it’s hidden or not. Now there are ways to do this for sure, but if you had them you wouldn’t be here… or you just love idiotic banter. Either way, you’re here.

To start, get a class going:

    if (typeof ClassHandler != 'object')
      ClassHandler = new Object();

Normal declaration. Yeehaw. Now we need a method to check for the class:

ClassHandler.CheckForClass = function(element, nameOfClass)
    var returnValue = false;

    //Check to see if the element variable is a string or (hopefully) a control.
    //If it is a string, get the control that belongs to that id.
    if (typeof element == 'string')
        element = document.getElementById(element);

    //next you use a regular expression to check the className property for
    //  the class you want.  If it finds a match, you're good to go.
    if (element.className != '')
        returnValue = new RegExp('\\b' + nameOfClass + '\\b').test(element.className);

    return returnValue;

Ok so now you have a method to check if it’s there… but what about if you want to replace the old one with a new one? Well that could be broken into two methods first (Both that are useful). First one is the removal of the old class:

ClassHandler.RemoveClass = function(element, nameOfClass)
    var returnValue = false;

    //You know the drill
    if (typeof element == 'string')
        element = document.getElementById(element);

    //Hey cool, I just used the CheckForClass method
    if (ClassHandler.CheckForClass(element, nameOfClass))
        //Real simple, replace the old
        //But you have to check if the nameOfClass exists with a preceding space
        //If it does, then you replace that with a space, other wise just replace
        //the nameOfClass with a space.
        element.className = element.className.replace((element.className.indexOf(' ' + nameOfClass) >= 0 ? ' ' + nameOfClass : nameOfClass),'');
        returnValue = true;

    return returnValue;

And now you’ll have to add in the new one.

ClassHandler.AddClass = function(element, nameOfClass)
    var returnValue = false;
    if (typeof element == 'string')
        element = document.getElementById(element);
    //If className already has a value, precede the nameOfClass with a space
    // otherwise just add it in.
    if (!ClassHandler.CheckForClass(element, nameOfClass))
        element.className += (element.className ?  '  '  :  '') + nameOfClass;
        returnValue = true;

    return returnValue;

Now for the replace:

ClassHandler.ReplaceClass = function(element, classToRemove, classToAdd)
    var returnValue = false;

    //african elephants only have four teeth for chewing their food.
    if (typeof element == 'string')
        element = document.getElementById(element);

    //Remove the old one
    //Add the new one
    if(ClassHandler.CheckForClass(element, classToRemove))
        ClassHandler.RemoveClass(element, classToRemove);
        ClassHandler.AddClass(element, classToAdd);
        returnValue = true;

    return returnValue;

Now you might be thinking, “Tool, why don’t you just use the replace method in the replace method.” Well I suppose you could, but this way you have two other methods at your disposal for future use. Up to you really, part of this was because I actually needed those methods and the title says “Add, Remove, or Replace”. I can’t go against the title. I don’t have that kind of strength.

Usage? Well there are couple ways you can do this.

    if(ClassHandler.CheckForClass('someDiv', 'hide'))
       ClassHandler.ReplaceClass('someDiv', 'hide', 'show');
       ClassHandler.ReplaceClass('someDiv', 'show', 'hide');

or this:

    if(!ClassHandler.ReplaceClass('someDiv', 'hide', 'show'))
       ClassHandler.ReplaceClass('someDiv', 'show', 'hide'));

And other ways to be sure. Now I’m not saying this is the best way to do it, just a decent way… although looking back on this I wonder if I could clean up the regex stuff.

WordPress Plugin: Featured Content Gallery

Ok so this and a couple other sites I have are based off the WordPress blog things, and the original idea was just to get something out there and build things later. Turns out WordPress is actually quite impressive due to the large community of programmers. Now, I have to assume that there will be people out there that have blogs like this one (Except with less bleh and more yay) and might want to find ways to make them look better. So since I am constantly doing so, I thought I would start posting things I’ve found useful.

First one up is the Featured Content Gallery. Basically the idea is to be able to have a eh… Oh hell. I have no real way to describe it. Say you have featured stories/blogs posts that you want to show in a more extravagant way. Now say you have 4 of them and you want a rotating picture control that had a picture for each one. Now say you wanted it to look something like this: (And yes I stole this picture from the WordPress site)

Now you look at that and think, “Yeah right. That good?” Fact is, yeah. Now I could say it took me thirty minutes to set it up but that’s only because I didn’t read the instructions they had at the instruction page. Had I done that, it would have taken about five. The actual control itself is easy to put on a page. It basically takes one line:

<?php include (ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/featured-content-gallery/gallery.php'); ?>

The setup is slightly harder (Or really hard if you’re confused by the phrase “Push button to start”) than copy and pasting things.


Huh, looks real hard right? I mean you got this width and height thing. And oh wow, whether to choose a category or individual posts. Huh. (Although short note and once again proof that I need to read: I had difficulty at first figuring out that the “Post or Page IDs” section meant that I would have to put the PAGE ID of the POST in the TEXTBOX. Sometimes I really live up to my tool status)

Then the next tricky thing is getting the image to work. Oh and this is real hard…


Now you might or might know this is the Add/Edit post page. If you’ve never used the Custom Tag section, this also might be odd to you. And honestly, this was the first time I ever used it. Turns out you can set certain values to stick with each post and can be used programmatically like say Attributes on properties in c#. Now, see that part where I added a custom tag (“articleimg”) and gave it a url to an image? Yeah that’s the image that will be shown for that particular post. Now you may think this is kind of annoying that you have to do this for every post you want to feature, but you might also be the kind of person who complains it’s too much work to wash your dishes to avoid health problems.

There are other options too. You can set a special text for each featured item (As the default uses the post’s title) and you can set a thumbnail image instead of the cropped default it uses. And there are certain style values you can set in the maintenance page. However, I didn’t get a chance to use those yet.

Example you ask? Chance for me to plug a site you say? Well this plugin actually was used at The Ironical which is a side project I’m working on. Again, it’s a site I was just going to use WordPress for as a temporary thing but have been so impressed with all the customization, I’ve thought of relearning php… and then shortly after drinking a gallon of drano. My world is turning upside down.

Here’s my working example:


Cry on Favre. This plugin has brought me to happy tears too.

Programmer: Hero to All or Digital Masochist?

Ok so it hit me the other day when I was asking myself why I program. Basically I’ve hit that point in my career where I am starting to re-evaluate what the s— I’m doing and why I’m doing it. Actually it was more like me lamenting over my current path and I came to the conclusion that if I didn’t program for a living, I’d still do it as a hobby. To this the woman asked, “If you like it as a hobby, why do you hate programming?” This got me to thinking, do I hate this all the time? And the answer is no. I think this overworked bin of waste I call a blog is a testament to what I do love about programming. You know, the new stuff. The discovery. And yes (And you know it) the elation and self pleasing like act of “Yeah, I figured that out. I’m f—ing smart and stuff.” I even like the building and designing of systems (Well the non UI part since I have a restraining order that doesn’t allow me to be within 50 feet of UI design). Actually I really like that stuff.

Here’s the bad. When do I actually get a chance to do that? When do most of us ever get to do that? Problem is that most programming jobs don’t entail this. How do I know this? Well in my short 8 or so year career, I’ve had a lot of programming jobs. 9 to be exact. And about eh 50+ interviews with companies. So basically like a follower of “free love”, I’ve been around. In those jobs and interviews I’ve had 1 job and 3 possible ones where I wouldn’t have just been either:

  1. Maintenance Boy
  2. Legacy Avenger

Now you might think it’s because I suck. Well that could be a reason, but that would imply that the people I’ve worked with sucked since they were stuck doing the same thing, regardless of their experience. I can’t believe everyone I’ve worked with sucked, but I have no real proof. Then again, this isn’t being submitted to Fox New– eh The New York Ti– eh some scientific journal.

So with this I’m going out on a limb here and going to guess that the people not in the top 15% of the programming world are stuck doing tasks that involve:

  1. Updating old code
  2. Fixing old code
  3. Adding to old code
  4. Creating new things but under old standards and frameworks
  5. Spending time trying to figure out a web of stored procedures so complicated it would make Brian Greene spin. (His ENTIRE body)

And people do this everyday and a lot of them bitch about it but when pressed wouldn’t want to do anything else. Why? Because we hate ourselves! It’s simple f—ing psychology. When you hate yourself, you do things to keep that feeling of hate alive. You will be drawn to people who most likely cause us grief. You will be drawn to a job that causes pain. Think about it:

  1. In most companies, IT is the lowest rung on the ladder.
  2. People have no idea what we do which leads to horrible deadlines. Read: “It won’t take that long, it’s just HTML.”
  3. We work on systems that we didn’t build and the people who came before us didn’t have a lot of concern about someone else having to work on it.
  4. The stuff we work with can be really expensive and therefore most companies are years behind on IDEs, frameworks, ect
  5. In the high school we call the workplace, we’re basically the kid taped to the goal post.

And the best part is we’re described as problem solvers, which means right off the bat our job consists of cleaning up someone else’s f— ups or we’re expected to figure out the things that some committee of tool bags couldn’t get their collective head around.

I mean what sane person does this willingly? You know what the kicker is? We get some crazy high from when we actually do pull off some crazy impossible. Tell me how is that different than getting some kind of high after running a blade down your arm? We get pleasure from pain. That is our existence. We are sick puppies.

I’m hungry.

Singleton ObjectContext: The remix

I realized that when I posted this, I didn’t actually post my way of solving the singleton context idea. Well it’s not a real singleguy anymore in the strictest sense. It is still used by pretty much all querying BUT it is used every postback. How did I do this? With a little enginuity, brilliance, and time. (Read luck and constant pounding on the keyboard)

The old idea was to have a single context that was held in a static (Therefore the context was static). Couple problems:

  • All queries and updates will be sharing this context… for every user. Hrm. I can’t see anything wrong with Sally Starshine hitting the old update button and saving Dick McGurk’s changes. Nothing wrong with that all.
  • Any changes to an object in the context will stay in the context until the various ways of “resetting” a static object are used, regardless of being persisted to the database. Basically, if you changed the user.UserName = “YouIdiot”, “YouIdiot” will now show up anywhere you use that context… which is everywhere.

So as you can see, disaster. Now, where could I have gone from here? Well insane first, then I found a solution… Page Requests. You see, when a request is made there are two events fired of importance:

    protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)

    protected void Application_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)

Pretty snazy, right? Well these are fired with every request, so basically these are fired every postback… and then some. The next step I took was to make context creation and tear down methods. Something like on BeginRequest: If the context doesn’t exist, create and on EndRequest: If the context does exist, DESTROY. Well this worked at first… until I realized something. That cute little method BeginRequest fires on every request (Duh) meaning anytime the page requests an image. Hrm. That’s a lot of useless building right? Well it occurred to me the tear down on EndRequest was a good idea since it won’t do anything if the context doesn’t exist. No harm no foul. The problem was the BeginRequest. Fact is, the answer was stairing at me… I already had the build up method, I just had to call it when it mattered: First use. SO can you figure out what I did? I bet you can!

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Web;

    public class EntityContext
        private TISQLEntities _context;
        private static String MAIN_CONTEXT_KEY = "MainContext";

        public static TISQLEntities Context
               if (HttpContext.Current.Items[MAIN_CONTEXT_KEY] == null)

              return (TISQLEntities)HttpContext.Current.Items[MAIN_CONTEXT_KEY];

        private static void CreateContext()
           HttpContext.Current.Items[MAIN_CONTEXT_KEY] = new TISQLEntities();

        public static void RemoveContext()
           if (HttpContext.Current.Items[MAIN_CONTEXT_KEY] != null)
             HttpContext.Current.Items[MAIN_CONTEXT_KEY] = null;

Idiot simple, as it would have to be coming from me. You might have seen that I’m holding it in the current HTTPContext. This is to hold the needed context for the current request. Yippee.

Now for the use (In the Global.asax.cs file)

    protected void Application_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)

So what happens? First time I use the context:


The EntityContext class creates the context and goes to town. When the request is done, the EntityContext class removes said context.

Now on a side not, you might notice that when doing unit tests, there is no HTTPContext. This is a problem and involves one more step (That I’m not completely happy with right now) that actually takes the old Static idea and applies it. Now you might thing that I’m undoing everything I just posted, but in reality when you unit test, most likely you’ll be doing it on your computer and therefore you won’t be running into anyone else’s context. (Unlike a web site)

    private static String MAIN_CONTEXT_KEY = "MainContext";
    private static TISQLEntities _context;

    public static void RemoveContext()
        if (HttpContext.Current != null && HttpContext.Current.Items[MAIN_CONTEXT_KEY] != null)
            HttpContext.Current.Items[MAIN_CONTEXT_KEY] = null;

        if(_context != null)
          _context = null;

    public static TISQLEntities Context
            if (HttpContext.Current == null)
                if(_context == null)
                    _context = new TISQLEntities();
                return _context;

            if(HttpContext.Current.Items[MAIN_CONTEXT_KEY] == null)
                HttpContext.Current.Items[MAIN_CONTEXT_KEY] = new TISQLEntities();

            return (TISQLEntities)HttpContext.Current.Items[MAIN_CONTEXT_KEY];

I don’t like this one fully, but for now it’s good. There has to be a better way though.

Programming Techincal Interviews: Why bother?

You know what’s awesome besides me? Technical interviews. Nothing beats being asked obscure questions about things that are rarely used while on the phone. I’ve been through enough of these stupid things (20+? over a short 7 years) to have a certain feeling about them. And just in case you are wondering, I don’t think I’ve ever failed one. (Even the online ones where I’ve consistently been above 80% of the country since the first one I took 5 years ago) I’m not bragging that I’m exceptional at programming, because I’m not. Probably average. What I am getting at is that I might have a decent view on how pointless these things are in the current state.

Insert Question Here

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked things like:

“What is protected internal?” (Something I’ve never seen a company use)

“Is string an object or a structure?” (It thinks it’s a structure, so who cares?)

And my personal favorite:

“Which is better StringBuilder or String Concatenation?” (Yes?)

I get tired of these questions because everyone asks the same damned ones to the point where I feel like I could pre-record my answers on a tape recorder (Or whatever the kids use these days) and play them back while doing something more fun like washing my hair. (RUN ON SENTENCE!!!!1171) It almost puts me into this weird trance like state where my mind is off getting coffee while my body just churns out answers. Or even worse, when I try to discuss certain answers (Say the inevitable StringBuilder question) I’m met with the phone’s equivalent of a blank stare. AND IT NEVER CHANGES. I’ve heard at least these three questions at probably 90% of the ones I’ve done including at least two just within the last 4 months. Seriously, enough with difference between a datareader and a f—ing dataset. I think most people know this by now or could be informed in 10 seconds of getting the job. Or better yet, use a f—ing ORM.

The Google Era

The fun part about this is these interviews can pretty much be found in 5 minutes of a little searching. I am willing to bet if you take down the 30 most popular ones found and memorized, you’d be in the door. In fact, I pretty much know this since I’ve kind of sort of done a little studying before the interview (IE read parts of a book) to look good. And it sure worked. Now I have to admit there were other factors (Like my stunning good looks) but there were loads of people who bombed out on the technical interview due to missed answers. Even better, next time you have a technical interview, look up Microsoft Programming Interview C# and find the simple questions. One by one you mark off every one that is asked like those stupid car games that you mark off every state you see on a license plate. It will at least keep you interested. Hell, share with your friends and see who marks them all first. Put money on it.

The Recruiter Issue

Another problem that adds to the eh problem is that recruiters will tell you what you’ll be asked (Or at least point you in the direction) so that you can be ready for what’s coming. Why would they do that? Well it’s their job to make money and they make money by getting people in the door, especially if you have ANY personality. (Another thing that can completely override this precious technical interview.) I would say this is bad practice and companies should be made, but like actors and tabloids, this is a symbiotic relationship. How do I know this? Because I’ve actually had recruiters give me a list of questions the company SAID THEY WOULD ASK. What the f— is the point of asking me stuff I already know is coming? Yeah good way to make sure I don’t know what I’m talking about.

I’m just a programmer.

Here’s a though, next time your company does a technical interview, get someone who isn’t in the middle of a 70 hour week. In my experience, the one giving the interview really has better things to do, which is probably why the form letter questions are so popular. Can’t say I haven’t been in the situation when someone comes to me and says, “Hey we’re interviewing someone right now, could you get some technical questions together?” At which point there are two options, get questions off of the intarweb or put your head through your monitor to get out of it. And trust me, the second choice rarely works. Product? The same technical interview you went through last week… and last year…

Out with the old, Outsource with the new

The best so far though was a company that does these “technical interviews” (Read, they are technically an interview). Really? Outsourced interviews? I guess when I found out about this I thought that maybe MAYBE since someone was getting paid to do this, it might be interesting. Yeah not so much. For a long time I thought the prerequisites were:

  • Knew some programming.
  • Would rather be doing something else.

Turns out they can completely eliminate the first and keep the second. I honestly was asked questions like, “So you program in the c#?” and “So you have been using the object oriented programming?” This is a horrible situation for two reasons. One, the person taking the notes has no idea if you’re right or wrong and therefore could easily misquote you. Two, you will have to be put on suicide watch during the interview since at some point you’ll decide chewing your heart out is the only feasible way to escape.

Sigh, I mean honestly why do companies still bother with these? I mean if there’s any constant in the programming world, it’s that tools get hired no matter what and the rest of the company has to deal with them. Why is this? Because in the end, money is what matters. Recruiting companies will keep helping these guys through because it increases the chance of getting someone to fill the spot. Companies keep hiring them because usually they are about 1-2k cheaper per year. So in one word: Brilliant.

Entity Framework: Querying issue follow up.


So in THIS MIGHTY POST I asked why Entity Framework context likes to query the database despite the object (data row) already being loaded into the context. Well even though it’s not a perfect answer, Craig Stuntz had an answer at The O that gave some light to the situation:

context.SiteUser is an property of type ObjectQuery. When you execute an ObjectQuery, it will always hit the backing store. That’s what they do. If you don’t want to execute a database query, then don’t use an ObjectQuery.

Furthermore I could use GetObjectByKey:

GetObjectByKey tries to retrieve an object that has the specified EntityKey from the ObjectStateManager. If the object is currently not loaded into the object context, a query is executed in an attempt to return the object from the data source.

Which actually seems to me like how it should work naturally. After all, if it’s in the context and I am positive I don’t want to update the object from changes in the database, wouldn’t it make sense to not bother with the database at all? Seems like a wasted action. Again, I am guessing that the reason it does this is that it’s an all or nothing thing. It either does it all the time (IE query no matter the reason) or never. Grey area just doesn’t seem to fit Entity Framework design in this matter.