Entity Framework: Concurrency Mode and fun observations

Ok so you have this thing that you want to do and it involved stuff. And when you do that stuff you want something to happen. And when that happens you want to know that it happened and tell someone, “Hey I did stuff and something happened.” That, in essence, is what Concurrency Mode is for provided all this had to do with the Entity Framework and updating records.

Concurrency Mode allows you to make sure that nothing has changed in the database before or during the current save. Basically it checks the database to make sure the record being updated still is in the same condition it was when you loaded it to the context. If it isn’t, then an exception is thrown. (Maybe not the way I would prefer handling this situation, but hey I don’t work for the M) How do I get this to happen? Well it’s a pretty easy change, though it has an annoying short coming. First the change.

Open up the model browser (IE double click on the .edmx file) and select any property on any entity. Then view the properties.


And in the image you can see that there is a property surprisingly named “Concurrency Mode” and there are two options: Fixed and None. Guess which one I’m talking about in this post.

Now if I just left you with that, you’d have everything you need to know and you wouldn’t waste the next minute you’re going to waste on my findings. Good thing you aren’t smart enough to walk away.

You might wonder how the Entity Framework is able to do that, after all even I did and as we all know, I am genius.
Say you have a User entity where the UserName and MainEmail properties had Fixed Concurrency. Now suppose the old values of these were ‘oldValue’ and you just changed them (UI Side) to ‘HIHIHI’. At this point you want to save the changes. Well if you use profiler and a watch as it saves, you’ll see something like this:

exec sp_executesql
N'update [TIDBA].[TI_USER]
  [MainEmail] = @0,
  [UserName] = @1
  ((([UserID] = @2)
  ([MainEmail] = @3))
  ([UserName] = @4))
',N'@0 nchar(6),
@1 varchar(6),
@2 int,
@3 nchar(6),
@4 varchar(6)',

Which cleans up into:

update [TIDBA].[TI_USER]
  [MainEmail] = 'HIHIHI',
  [UserName] = 'HIHIHI'
  ((([UserID] = 1)
  ([MainEmail] = 'oldValue'))
  ([UserName] = 'oldValue'))

As you can see, the Entity Framework matches the originally loaded values against the database (Only on Fixed Concurrency properties) and sees if it can find a record. If it can’t, it means those values have changed. The exception follows.

Now besides the exception part (A bit much but can be handled), the only annoying thing is that you have to do this property by property. I don’t see a way yet to make it standard for the entire entity. Such is life.

Entity Framework: Odd things during querying


So in THIS POST I talked about how querying worked on a conceptual level but turns out there is something going on that’s not expected. Remember how I said that if the object is in the context, the database won’t be hit? Turns out that isn’t true to an extent. With the help of profiler, I found outconfusing thing or two, and neither have to do with why this is was on the front page of CNN.

Say you for some reason want to select a user like so:

    SiteUser someUser = context.SiteUser.First(role => role.UserID == 1);


Right off the bat, I bet you can guess what happens. If not (You know, if you didn’t read THIS POST or you have difficulties with revolving doors), here’s the idea in script form:

    Am I having this Object?

Context looks into its bag, notices it doesn't have the object,
and then looks over at Database with confused look.

   No but I gots it for you.

Database hands object to Context.  Context looks happy.

  I has a object now.

At this point, two things are obvious: I’ve lost it and Context now has a User with an UserID of one and it got this by querying the database. Now suppose for no real reason you want the same user. (Assume it is the same context and the user is already in the context.)

    Am I having this Object?

Context looks into his bag and pulls out the object.  Database walks over.

    You has object?

   Yes but I gots it for you.

Database hands object to Context.  Context doesn't take it.

  I has it already.

So in this stunning display, we can see that even though the context already has the user, it still asks the database for the thing. How do I know this? Well I used profiler on both statements. What I thought would happen is on the first eh First it would hit the database, hydrate the object, and go on its merry. Second First would just grab it from the context and give it to me. Fact is, it STILL HITS THE DATABASE. Now the next possible idea is that it’s going to the database to see if the record has changed and then will update the object with any changes EXCEPT what has been changed on the object. Yeah not so much. (Although there is a way you can force that, but I’ll post that in the next post) Fact is, it really doesn’t do anything with it as long as you have the default settings. In fact, (FACT FACT FACT FACT) the default settings say that:

Objects that already exist in the object context are not loaded from the data source.
This is the default behavior for queries or when calling the Load method on an
EntityCollection<(Of <(TEntity>)>).

Seems kind of odd that by default something in the context will not be loaded if it’s already there but it still hits the database regardless. So what this default really means is that it may or may not hit the database, but any changes in the database will not be reflected in the object. It really doesn’t mean that the database won’t be queried. Seems kind of odd.

What not good enough? Fine, figure this out.

Entity Framework: Concepts and Headaches. Querying

So in the first part of this life changing tutorial, I explained what lazy loading was and how it worked with the Entity Framework. Now I wanted to get into querying/loading and how it’s handled. At least at a very simplistic angle. (Simplistic is what I do best. Day-oh!) Something that has to be understood is how the Entity Framework handles the hydrating/loading of objects and how it relates to the ObjectContext. Say you have the same User/Site example from the first part and you load a site:

    using(SomeEntities context = new SomeEntities ())
       //where SomeEntities  : ObjectContext
       Site neededSite = context.Site.Where(site => site.ID = siteID);

Ok so what happens here? Well basically the context will check itself to see if it holding said Site and if it isn’t, it will grab it from the database. This doesn’t seem like a big deal since it’s pretty obvious it won’t have the given Site yet since the context was just created. Now let’s get a silly example going for the sake of learning.

    using(SomeEntities context = new SomeEntities ())
       //where SomeEntities  : ObjectContext
       Site neededSite = context.Site.Where(site => site.ID = siteID);
       neededSite.SiteName = someString;

       if(context.Site.Any(site => siteName == neededSite.SiteName))
          //return error since the name already exists in the table.


Now as it is, this doesn’t seem too bad right? I change the name of the site and then see if that name is taken already in the database. If these seems ok to you it just means you don’t yet understand how the Entity Framework eh… works. The first time you go to get the Site, it fills it’s Site list with the Sites from the database, then checks the list for the one you want. It will then proceed to give you a reference to the Site in that list. Next time you do a query on the Sites list, it will NOT query the database but rather it will just query the Sites list it has in memory. Next, the line:

    neededSite.SiteName = someString;

Is updating the object in that list. Now you would think (If you are used to say not caching results from database queries) that the next query:

    context.Site.Any(site => siteName == neededSite.SiteName)

Would hit the database again and check the items there and make sure that SiteName doesn’t exist. But far as Entity Framework is concerned it already loaded that list, so it doesn’t need to hit the database again. This is good to save the performance hit of getting from the database but dangerous if you don’t understand this. Fact is, the context is just going to look at it’s cached list of Sites and run that query and guess what’s in that list? The object that you just changed. So basically that query will compare the object to itself at some point as it iterates through the list and yee haw it will find a Site that already has that SiteName… the one you just changed. Solution?

You can include the SiteID in the query:

                  site => siteName == neededSite.SiteName
                  && site.SiteID != neededSite.SiteID

This way you know that you won’t compare the same object to itself.

OR You can create a new context if you really want to get a fresh look at the database. This will allow you to have a context with the new changes and a context pre changes so you can be sure you are comparing the object to a list without it.

Now you might look down the list of methods on the context and see the Refresh method. This might be temping because you might think that a refresh would give you what you want, a completely new list to compare against. There are two ways you can handle this:

     context.Refresh(RefreshMode.Store, context.Site);

Seems like this would be good since it basically means I want to completely restore the list from the database and clear out any changes I made in the list. Oh wait, what was that? ” clear out any changes I made in the list”. This means those changes we made to the object, yeah gone. So now the:

                  site => siteName == neededSite.SiteName
                  && site.SiteID != neededSite.SiteID

Query is hosed because the neededSite.SiteName has been reverted to whatever was in the database originally.

You could try this:

     context.Refresh(RefreshMode.ClientWins, context.Site);

In which any changes made to the objects will overwrite any information being brought in from the database. Hmm, 6 of one and a half dozen of the other. This just brings us back to the same problem. The list will still contain the changes to the object and therefore we will once again compare the object to itself.

Now you might think that maybe you should just check the list BEFORE applying the changes to the object, and that would be a good way of going about it:

    using(SomeEntities context = new SomeEntities ())
       //where SomeEntities  : ObjectContext
       Site neededSite = context.Site.Where(site => site.ID = siteID);

       if(context.Site.Any(site => siteName == someString))
          //return error since the name already exists in the table.
          neededSite.SiteName = someString;
          //Continue or save

This would work since you are checking the list before the object has been changed. This might work if you do your saving in the same layer that you have your UI, but if you do something like this:

    Site someSite = Site.GetSiteById(id);
    someSite.SiteName = txtSiteName.Text;

In this example, I have created a Save method on the Site object that will take care of validation and saving all in one. It also means that I either am sharing a context between the GetSiteId method and the Save method, or that I am using two contexts. If it’s the latter, then it won’t matter since the context in the Save method will not “own” the current someSite object. (And therefore will not have the changes to the someSite object reflected in its list) However, if they do share the same context then you will run into the above problem.

In the next post, I’ll talk about how to share a context… which I won’t try to sell you as the right thing to do. Just something to think about.

Entity Framework: Concepts and headaches. Lazy Loading

So when I wrote this and this I didn’t really have a precursor to some of the concepts in the posts so I figured I’d get them out of the way now since I’ll be posting a bunch on the Entity Framework.

First off is lazy loading. Now I could put the obligatory stupid joke here that gives some kind of novel, but incorrect, explanation of the phrase (Like say making someone else wash your clothes) but I so much better than that. So what is lazy loading? Simply put it’s not getting something until you need it. Kind of like “If it ain’t broke then don’t fix it” instead you trade “broke” with “needed” and “fix” with “get”. So it’s really not like that phrase. It is however, when talking about objects being hydrated (ie loaded) from some kind of storage (ie database) in a program written by some idiot. (ie me) Let’s say you have a User table and a Site table in which there are many Users to one Site. Now with an ORM this will be represented by an User object, a Site object, and a property on User that is of type Site. It would look something like this:

    public class User
      private Site _site = null;

      public Site ParentSite
            if(_site == null)
               _site = SomeMethodToGetSite();

            return _site;

When you load the User from storage, initially the Site object on the User object is null. This is done because if you don’t need the Site yet, why take up space until you do? This is the concept of lazy loading. Now in most ORMs, the Site would automatically be hydrated the first time the Site property was accessed. Entity Framework is slightly more complicated when dealing with the many to many or one to many situation.

This happens when you have a Users list on the Site object that basically represents every User in the User table that has the same SiteID as the Site in question. OR maybe you have a hanging table UserSite that allows for one Site to have many Users and one User to have many Sites. Either way, you will be left with a collection that represents this relationship. (Users list on the Site object) Now say you do this:

  Site someSite = LoadSiteByID(siteID);

and then you try to do this:

  someGrid.DataSource = someSite.Users;

When the page loads, there are no records in the grid. In a normal ORM this wouldn’t be a problem. It would see that you are accessing the .Users property and hit the database to fill the list. Entity Framework requires you to take one more step in this case.

  someGrid.DataSource = someSite.Users.Load();

Not that big of a deal. Now there is a check even to see if it is loaded in the first place:


This is a boolean property that says true when it has been loaded. Next post I’ll hit on what happens when you query and how that relates to this situation.

Quick Hit: Hiding Horizontal or Vertical scroll using CSS

If nothing else the motto for this site is, “Why was this written?” but sometimes it can also be, “I bypass the middle man and pass the savings on to you.” In this case, it has to do with a really simple way to show only on scroll bar on a section be it a div, span, pre tag, ect. In fact, I actually used it to for this site.

Here’s the problem, you have a section that you want to only show the horizontal scroll bar. Now the scroll bar is usually set with the overflow keyword in css:


But what does this do? Well if the section you have is larger than its parent (Say a pre section in a set width div), both scroll bars come up. Sometimes that’s not a bad thing but sometimes it looks really annoying if you only have two lines in it like:
Since it will automatically force both scroll bars. And on top of that, the scroll bars themselves now take up space and essentially cover up some of that second line. Well there’s two ways you can go about this in order to at least allow for everything to be seen without a verticle scroll.


You can use the overflow-x and overflow-y keywords:


What this does is completely hides the verticle scroll bar. Now this will work very well if you have sections that are of a specific height. Problem is if the height isn’t set specifically, it will just not show the parts that would normally need the verticle scroll for. (Happens sometimes)


This brings us to the second solution:



  padding:8px 0px 40px 0px;

Really simple addition that will basically push the bottom of the container down so that the writing that was being hidden before (Because the scroll bar didn’t exist) is now pushed upwards causing no loss of stuff.


As you can see, now everything can be… eh seen. Sure you get that annoying bit of space, but the 40px I’m using could be a bit of overkill. You really just have to shoot for a number that allows the bottom to be shown. But hey, life is tough.

Entity Framework: ObjectContext observations on caching

I thought that my journey with the Entity Framework was going to be like falling off a cliff, fast and painless but instead it’s been more like driving a Hummer in a Smart car convention, just have to plow my way through.

The latest bump in my path has been the ObjectContext. Just to let it be known, I’m like most kids with a new game, I don’t bother to read the instructions and the throw the controller when I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. My use of the Entity Framework has been no different. So using “o’ skool” standards, I immediately decided that I would have some kind of Singleton context so that I didn’t keep making new ones, and assumedly new connections. Everything seemed fine and dandy until I hit this situation which brought some, at the time, unexplainable or difficult issues.

First off, say you have a Site and Role class, and Role is Many to One with Site. Now let’s say you are creating a page that is used to create/update/delete roles. On this page you have the usual section for updating or creating a new role that involves a Name for the Role and a drop down list to pick a Site from. Now on the update side of it you have basic rules: The Role must have a name, the Role must have a Site, and the Name of the Role can’t already exist in the database for the site. So a new role might look like:

  Role editRole = Role.GetByID(someID);
  editRole.RoleName = txtRoleName.Text;
  editRole.Site = GetSiteFromID(ddlSite.SelectedValue.ConvertTo<Int32>);

The GetByID is just a query that gets the Role by and ID by using the Singleton ObjectContext. (KEY POINT) Beyond that, nothing special except my awesome string convert. Yah. Now the next step before committing to the database is something like:

      role => role.Name == editRole.RoleName
      && role.Site == editRole.Site
     //return error or whatever

So right there I’m checking to see if the new name for the role exists already. Now say I’m updating a role and that I KNOW the new name doesn’t exist. You would think that query would return false and life would be good. Unfortunately two things happened… and they will change your life forever. (EDIT: I realize I could also check to make sure the ID doesn’t match and should do that, but if I had done that initially I wouldn’t have figured out the next part)


I got back an error saying the name already exists. Now as I said, I know it didn’t so how could that happen? Well remember that Singleton ObjectContext idea? First time I grab the Role, it doesn’t exist in the ObjectContext.Role list. So it grabs it from the database and then stores it so that every time I now run that GetByID method, I am actually getting the object from the context NOT THE PERSISTENCE LAYER. (IE database or whatever) Therefore, any changes I make are changes to the object in that context. So what does that mean? Well say I do update the RoleName on that object and then run a query to see if that name exists, guess where that query is looking? Yup the context. And since it’s looking at the same stupid object I just changed, of course the name is going to exist now. Basically I comparing the object to itself to see if it’s name exists. Ouch.


After cancelling, (IE not saving) The grid that I had displaying all the Roles now has that new RoleName in it. What the f? My code specifically says NOT to save unless that (name already exists) query returns false. So how the hell has the name changed? Well just like before, the query that gets the list of Roles is no longer looking at the database but now at the Roles list in the context. That same Roles list that has the Role I changed earlier. Therefore any change to that object will now be reflected when getting the list from the context. Uhg.

So what can you learn about this? Once a list is “loaded” for the first time, it is held in the context until (presumably) you use the Refresh method on the context to refresh the given list. (Not sure how well this works). Therefore, any queries after the first will reflect all changes to the objects in the context, whether you saved to the database or not. The Singleton idea isn’t looking real great right now.

Entity Framework: Many to One property and how to load

Ok so this is the situation, you’ve just stolen 50 billion dollars from various wealthy people using a ponzi scheme and you’ve been caught. What do you do? I have no idea but if that’s your situation and you’ve ended up at this site, I’m guessing your escape route has something to do with the Entity Framework and how to load a many to one relationship. Or maybe you’re just interested in the latter anyhow.

So here’s the problem I ran into the other day. I have a Site table and a Role table, and every Role record has a SiteID (Foreign Key) that the Entity Map represents in a property. (Site Class) Now, when I “hydrate” a Role, the Site property is null. This is because Entity Framework, in a round about way, supports lazy loading sort of. (Lazy Loading meaning that any relationship, be it a Site object on a Role or say a Users list on a Role, will not be loaded at the time you “hydrate” the main object and will only be loaded when the property is accessed.) So it makes sense that the Site object exposed by the property is not loaded yet because I haven’t accessed the property.

With the Entity Framework, and one to many relationships (Say a Users list on a Role object) you have to not only access the property, but you have use the Load method to make sure it gets loaded:

    from user in someRole.Users.Load()

Well with a many to one relationship (Many Roles to one Site) this is a propblem since the Site property returns only a single Site:

    someRole.Site.Load(); //Boom, not possible

Load can’t be used since Site isn’t a collection. So how the hell do I load this stupid thing? Well that has to be done in the query itself. Kind of annoying:


As you can see, in that query I had to add the Include method and the value is actually the property name. Now when I look at the list of roles returned, the roles now have the Site property loaded. As I said, kind of annoying, but there is something interesting about these relationships that I’ll post about next.

ConfigurationManager And AppSettings… A Wrapper Class Story

You can file this under “Do I really need this?” but for now I kind of like it. That, however, may change in the next hour.

The idea is simple, create a class that uses the ConfigurationManager AppSettings NameValueCollection (Triple Combo!) but only presents properties that represent the keys in the .config file. This way there is no guessing of how the key is spelled or that that type returned is converted to something it should be. (Say you have a numeric value in the .config file) Now this doesn’t seem like a big deal, but I’m not happy with something that is just simple like:

    public String SomeKey
          return System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SomeKey"];

Oh no, that’s just not good enough. Call it divine intervention. Call it spontaneous brilliance. Call it whatever the guy that invented the corn dog had. But what I came up with is far better. (And by better I mean more complex)

Remember, the idea isn’t to have to grab just the value from System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings but also to have it be typed on the way back. Now we know this to be true: I am awesome. What we also know to be true is that the value held in the appSettings area of the .config file is going to correspond to a value type but is going to be read in as a string. If you’ve read some of my posts (Which I assume you haven’t), you might have stumbled upon this little gem and know that I already have something to convert from a string to pretty much any value type. (Those having a TryParse method) So the converting part is already done, but what about the getting?

    protected static T? GetValueFromConfiguration<T>(String key) where T : struct
      T? returnValue = null;
      if (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key] != null)
        returnValue = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key]
                           .ConvertTo<T>(); //MY AWSOME CONVERTTO METHOD!!11

      return returnValue;

Ok so you can see, this is really simple. I check to see if the key exists, get the value from the .config file, and convert to whatever I said it should. In use this would be:

    public static DateTime? TestDate
          return GetValueFromConfiguration<DateTime>("TestDate");

Now you might have noticed something about this… yes besides the fact that it’s Mentos fresh. First, the method returns nullable versions. The reason for doing this is you really don’t know what the value will be in the .config file. Say this was an integer and you returned just a normal integer. (Non nullable) What would you set the value to? Sure you could do minimum value but COULD mean that there was a value in the .config file. This is more of a design choice though.

Second is that the method doesn’t cover strings. This is an ouch due to how nullables and strings work. You can’t return a nullable string since string doesn’t fit in the non nullable value category. This is a real pain but easily overcome with a non generic overload:

    protected static String GetValueFromConfiguration(String key)
      String returnValue = null;

      if (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key] != null)
        returnValue = System.Configuration
       return returnValue;

See? Easy way to side step the problem. There might be a better way to handle that, but not sure at this point. Something to revisit I suppose. Oh and here’s the whole class for the hell of it:

    public class BaseConfigurationManager
       private const String SOME_KEY = "SomeKey";

       protected static T? GetValueFromConfiguration<T>(String key) where T : struct
         T? returnValue = null;

         if (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key] != null)
           returnValue = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key]

         return returnValue;

       protected static String GetValueFromConfiguration(String key)
         String returnValue = null;

         if (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key] != null)
           returnValue = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key];

       return returnValue;

     public static String SomeKey
         return GetValueFromConfiguration(SOME_KEY);


Oddly enough I spelled “spontaneous brilliance” correctly the first time around but thought “numeric” had a silent ‘b’. Go figure. Should have finished middle school.

OT: Winning the MAA Award, Thanks for your votes!

I just wanted to thank everyone that voted for me in the prestigious Most Awesome Award Award. This actually did come as a bit of surprise to me honestly since this year was a really stacked list of nominees between myself, a pack of Mentos, and the last minute write in of George Washington. Let me tell you, Mentos is one hard act to beat. I mean who the hell can compete with The Fresh Maker? And Washington? Wow. I can’t explain how much my heart sank when I heard about him.

Now I just want to tell you that it was no easy task. It took a lot of campaigning, travel, self promoting, and paying people off but it still looked like both competitors had a sharp lead over me. I really put a lot of time and effort into convincing people I was the person to vote for. Unfortunately even up to a week before I was behind by too many votes. It wasn’t until luck decided to turn in my favor. Apparently an anonymous call alerted the Most Awesome Award Award panel to the fact that Washington had been dead for over 200 years. It’s what people “in the know” call a deal breaker. On top of that, I ate the pack of Mentos.

So in closing I’d just like to thank everyone that voted for me, your support has been the backbone of my reinforced structure. And for those who didn’t vote for me? AY YAAAAY! Where’s you Mentos now, fools? I’m out.

Ajax Webmethods, Javascript, and Anonymous Types… Booyah

As witnessed in this super awesome post I showed how to use a webmethod to get server side information with client side methods. (I know, I’m pretty sweet.) And in this one I had an example of filling a drop down list with a web method and javascript, though it was more about the anonymous method used. So what do I have now? Well a little thing about why I heart anonymous types.

What’s an anonymous type? Well it’s a type that built at compile time and requires no class file to create, but you probably have already used them if you’ve used Linq:

    var anonymous = from item in list
                    select new {
                                 Name = item.Name,
                                 Address = item.Address

And now you have a whole list of a new type that is created at compile time. Anyways, you might have been wondering why you would want these beyond linq use. Well that’s what I’m here for… that and making sure I give you a low point in your day so that things can only get better.

Now in the example from before, it was basically the idea of filling a drop down list without a postback and using a WebMethod. Now I showed the javascript needed, but I didn’t show you the web method itself.
Time to start!

        public static Object GetUserList()
            IList <User>userList;

            userList = LinqData.DataClasses.User
            return userList
                      .Select(item => new { item.UserName, item.UserID })

So there you have a method that gets some users (Waring: Actual method may vary) and you are creating a list of anonymous types that have UserName and UserID.

Now you may have noticed this:

    .Select(item => new { item.UserName, item.UserID })

Now why would I want to do that? Why can’t I just send a list of users? Well there’s nothing really stopping you from doing that, after all javascript will handle whatever you throw at it. Problem is: If you send an entire user, you’re sending everything. What if the user has an image on it? (Like an avatar) Maybe the user has a collection of addresses. Point is, that’s a lot to send out when you only need the two things. (Text and value for the dropdown list) The beauty of the anonymous types is you don’t need a new class file for the smaller version of the user thus allowing you to create a specific type that is only needed for this situation.

The nice thing to take from this is that you can easily create the bare minimum and really not sacrifice much. Why is that? Well you would think that the type is created for every user or maybe every time there is at least one instance running on the server. Fact is, the type itself is created at compile time so you don’t suffer that kind of pain. Beyond that, and I said this before, Javascript is more than capable of “reading” and “knowing” what the class has so you don’t have to worry about it needing some class off in some class file to send.

Now you could argue that you should have that class file and that it’s just good practice but I’m not convinced in this case. Mostly because this is a one time situation but, and yes it sounds funny to use “situation” again, situationally this is specific only to this instance… SITUATION

I suppose someone could argue that if I use other anonymous types elsewhere that use the same properties than I should make a new class file. There’s probably some truth to this, but on the other hand is it really necessary to go that far if you aren’t certain? I don’t know. But then again I’m fascinated by popcorn so you might not want to take my opinions seriously.